Photo Essay

Have You Ever Wondered What Bored Banana Eating Looks Like? Want to See a Fake Boy George? You’re in the Right Place.

A quirky personal photo essay

Ginger Cook
4 min readApr 28, 2022


Photo by pawel szvmanski on Unsplash

I am totally digging photo essays right now.

I went on a very lengthy and enjoyable search of them on Medium this morning and there are some incredible ones! Suddenly I had an idea— I really must do one of myself.

I’m not cocky. So, if you’re starting to click the hell out of this because you don’t want to see a bunch of duck face selfies — Stop. I wouldn’t waste your time like that. In fact, I absolutely HATE pictures of myself, so this is a bit out of my comfort zone.

This is probably why most of the time I am wearing a costume.

Below are 13 weird moments of me being me. Take a gander and learn a few things about me through what I’ve captured on camera.

  1. Me, dressed as a plant, holding a Gatsby candle because I can. I can offer no further explanation.



Ginger Cook

Severely depressed. Anxious about everything. Sound familiar?